For best Organic Energy Shots choose us

SuddenRush Guarana* is an organic energy shot that will keep you feeling awake for hours, unlike a cup of top-quality coffee. To achieve the same level of alertness and energy that you get from only a tiny 11ml vial of our drink shot, you would require many litre bottles of Organic Energy Shots drinks like Coca Cola and other soft beverages. Guarana seeds have a comparable effect to coffee. Guarana contains caffeine that is more potent than typical coffee beans, but because of its steady release, it keeps you aware for a longer period of time without causing jitters or crashes. Your present harmful habit can be replaced with only one dosage of our vial as a healthy supply of caffeine content. You may get the push you need to maintain your fitness objectives by ingesting one shot for energy as a weight-loss supplement.


The most comprehensive guarana energy dietary supplement on the market right now is our organic energy drink shots. Your daily dosage of "Get It Done" is always delivered by our natural energy drink. On Amazon right now. Although the Food and Drug Administration usually considers guarana cupana use to be healthy, this product is not meant for those who are at higher risk of developing high blood pressure. One of our key goals is to use a novel and sustainable method of guarana planting to convert deforested area that still borders intact rainforest into secondary rainforest. In this scenario, local farmers get land and guarana seeds from ARFI in exchange for an entirely organic and fair trade output.

In our newly planned cultivation, guarana spreads like a creeper up a tree in an environmentally beneficial symbiosis. Because it only grows in the Amazon and Atlantic Rainforests, guarana must be manually picked, and the global market practically cries for the natural, healthy energy seed. Due to the great demand, guarana prices are quite high, which guarantees local farmers a very decent income. Guarana plants start producing 20% of their seeds after the first year of cultivation, but it takes them seven years to produce 100% of the crop. Only seven more years of harvesting will follow for the neighbourhood farmers.Visit us online at


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